• CMIST was designed for and tested with marine invertebrates, its theoretical basis and general questions makes it suitable for other organisms.
  • Screening-level risk assessments in CMIST are designed to be completed in 1–2 days including collection of information and answering questions.
  • Assessors should have good general knowledge on invasive species and, ideally, the assessment area and species being assessed.
  • Prior to assessment, background information on the selected species that pertains to CMIST questions should be collated from available resources and quickly reviewed.
  • Assessors should always use their best judgement when interpreting questions, answers, and guidance for the selected species, which will likely not have species or taxon-specific examples.
  • Assessors should read the manual before completing any assessments to ensure consistency with guidance.

Download the CMIST Manual

Download CMIST
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To submit an assessment to the CMIST database, please ensure that all sections of the tool are complete then send MS Excel files as attachments to