
Science is composed of many fields of study and is broad in nature.

Science at BIO performs five primary functions, which are:

  1. research,
  2. monitoring,
  3. data management,
  4. scientific advice, and
  5. products and services.

Research programs are in place to carry out these functions. These programs include:

  • supporting fisheries,
  • aquaculture,
  • oceans and habitat management,
  • ocean resource development, and
  • safety around or on water.

An ecosystem is a collection of living things and the environment in which they live. Ecosystem science is at the core of the science work done at BIO. This science is important in order to manage, regulate and support the human activities affecting Canada's waters.

Each science based department at BIO has a research plan. These plans outline ways for identifying, monitoring, and interpreting trends that are important to sustaining ecosystems. These plans take into account the known effects that human activities have on ecosystems. Each plan provides direction on how to develop new knowledge and methods. The resulting information is used to help provide advice on managing ecosystems.

For example, DFO Maritimes Science Branch has developed a multi-year research plan. This plan identifies short and long term activities in relation to:

  • national science objectives,
  • departmental priorities and
  • regional operational issues.