Weekly Measurements

CTD Sensor Data (Refer to ODF filesFootnote a):

  • Pressure [db]
  • Temperature [IPTS-68, deg C]
  • Conductivity [S/m]
  • Salinity [PSU]
  • Oxygen (raw) [V]
  • Oxygen [ml/l]
  • pH
  • Fluorescence (uncalibrated) [mg/m3]
  • Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) [ µE/m2/s]
  • Density (sigma-theta)[kg/m3]

Derived from Niskin bottle water samplesFootnote b,Footnote c:

  • Pigments (High Pressure Liquid Chromatography) [mg/m3]
  • Phytoplankton Absorption [m-1]
  • Nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, silicate, phosphate) [mmol/m3]
  • Oxygen (probe) [% saturation] (1999 – 2017)
  • Oxygen (Winkler) [ml/l] (2017 – Present)
  • Chlorophyll [mg/m3]
  • Particulate Organic Carbon [mg/m3]
  • Particulate Organic Nitrogen [mg/m3]
  • Salinity [PSU]
  • Total Inorganic Carbon [µmol/kg] (2016 – Present)
  • Total Alkalinity [µmol/kg] (2016 – Present)
  • Flow Cytometry [cells/ml] *Not currently available from 2014 – 2016
    • Bacteria
    • Synechococcus
    • Cryptophytes
    • Picoeukaryotes
    • Picophytoplankton
    • Nanophytoplankton

200 µm Vertical Net Tows:

  • Zooplankton enumeration and identification are available upon request from 1998 – 2002, 2011 – 2017. For some years, only samples from every other week has been analyzed. More information can be provided upon request.